Madder Pigment Making
Columbia Conservation Lab, Spring 2015
Recipes from
Natural Colorants for Dyeing and Lake Pigments: Practical Recipes and Their Historical Sources by Jo Kirby
Traveling Scriptorium, Yale University Library

Original Recipe:
- 2g coarsely ground madder root
- Polyester netting bag (or cheesecloth or something similar)
- 60 ml water
- 1g potash alum
- 0.4g potash
- 40 ml water
- Water to wash
Field Notes:
Name: Workshop and Naomi Rosenkranz
Location: Laboratory - Chandler 260
Sample A
2015.09.28, 6:28pm
- 5 times original recipe:
- 10g coarsely ground madder root
- 300 ml water
- 5g potash alum
- 2g potash
- 200 ml water
- Roots ground and enclosed in cheesecloth. Left to soak in 300ml water overnight
- Filtered, boiled, potash alum added
- Observations:
- Darker, more opaque, more brown
- Appears murky, almost as if it is made up of many solid precipitates
- Potash added
- Observations:
- Effervescence
- Lighter in color
- Left to settle overnight
- Pigment ground and ready for use
- Final yield:
Sample B
- 2 times original recipe
- Final yield: 0.03g
Sample C
- 10 times original recipe
- Beaker shattered
- Final yield: 0g
Sample D
- 10 times original recipe
- Final yield: 3.8g
Further Notes on Sample D